Holiday Food Donations for Plainfield Families 2021
Collection runs through Sunday, December 12, 2021. Drop off at the home of Laura Kayser, 1116 Lorraine Avenue. If you prefer to make a financial donation you can do so here.
A Community Organization – PO Box 2902, Plainfield, NJ 07062
Collection runs through Sunday, December 12, 2021. Drop off at the home of Laura Kayser, 1116 Lorraine Avenue. If you prefer to make a financial donation you can do so here.
Please consider donating new toiletry items for the residents of the Park Hotel.
We are collecting new and gently worn winter coats for local people in need. Drop off at 701 Belvidere Ave. through December 30, 2021.
We are collecting donations for the Plainfield Humane Society.
Share your new toiletries for the residents of the Park Hotel in downtown Plainfield.
We are collecting donations for the Plainfield Area Humane Society.
Collection runs through Thursday, December 13, 2018. Drop off at the home of Laura Kayser, 1116 Lorraine Avenue.
The Plainfield YMCA and Chipotle (Rt. 22, Watchung) are hosting a fundraiser: Time: Wednesday, July 12th 4 – 8 pm Location: 1620 Rt. 22 East, Watchung Mention the Plainfield YMCA or show this flier to the cashier and the YMCA will receive 50% of the proceeds! Please let friends and family know!
You may recall that Netherwood Heights Neighbors participated in a toy drive to benefit children of the Jo Ann Hollis Garden Apartments in Plainfield. The Housing Authority of Plainfield forwarded this note to Louise Colodne, who spearheaded the project. Thank you, neighbors, for your generosity during the holiday season and beyond!
Our Netherwood Heights community has once again given generously to our holiday donation programs. Thank you to Laura Kayser for spearheading the food drive, benefiting families in need identified by Plainfield Action Services. And David Beverly, thank you for once again running the toiletry collection for Park Hotel residents. This is the true holiday spirit, Read More …