Holiday Food Donation Drive 2022

This will be the 13th year that Netherwood Heights Neighbors will sponsor food deliveries for 10-15 Plainfield families during the holidays.  NHN will buy a turkey and a ham for each family. The rest of the items in these “baskets filled with holiday cheer” are donated by you, our generous neighbors.

Christmas Eve Luminaries 2022

It is time to light up our world with our luminary display.  Come one and all for a delightful day of community and holiday spirit as we construct and lay our luminaries in our annual display.

Community Garage Sale

Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 9 AM to 4 PM.  Furniture, Antiques, Household Items, Home Décor & Much More!

School Supplies Donations

Netherwood Neighbors are collecting school supplies.  Please drop off supplies by September 3 to Kim Taylor, 1122 Gresham Road.

Caribbean Night 2022

Friday, August 19, 2022 starting at 6 PM.  Join us as we celebrate the end of summer with a dinner party and dancing!  Rain date is August 26.

Soiree En Blanc Invitation

On Friday June 3, 2022 starting at 6:30 PM we will party in the street for one of our favorite Netherwood celebrations.  Bring a table, chairs, white table cloth and delicious dinner.  This is a great opportunity to partner with neighbors and friends.  Choose whether you want plain and simple or high sophistication.  The day Read More …