Volunteers Needed
On May 11th we will be hosting the 30th anniversary home tour as a fundraiser for the Westfield Symphony. This year we have five spectacular homes to visit with TWO in Plainfield! Yes you read it right. The first time they used a Plainfield house was my sister Tish’s and Joseph’s former house on Watchung Ave. Everyone from the event still talks about this being their favorite house of all time. Again we will show everyone another beautiful Plainfield home.
We need volunteers for a few hours that day. Either the morning shift 9:30-12:30, or the afternoon shift 12:30-3:30 or all day and lunch will be included even if you work one shift! If you are available to act as a docent at Gina Addeo and Mike Sullivan’s beautiful home, located 1001 Rahway Avenue on the corner of Prospect, we would appreciate your time. I think you will find it a rewarding and fun experience.
We are expecting between 600-800 guest to tour this home that includes a brewery and a bar, hair salon, a gleaming men’s 1930 bathroom complete with urinals, cloth hand dryers, game room, wine cellar and tasting room, amazing bathrooms and a speak easy room. The sunroom is one of my favorite rooms with all of it’s details that will blow you away. Every room in the house will be open to tour along with the grounds.
Please let me know if you and a friend are available to join us this year in helping us with this important event that will be sure to give Plainfield a positive boost in our image. I need around 75-100 volunteers. If you can help with a friend, please email me as soon as possible with the time slot and how many can join us in this amazing home!
Find below picture of the back side of the house.
Many, many thanks. Cynthia
Cell: 908-578-2730