Last night we received an email from one of our neighbors. Both she and her husband were invovled with the Plainfield Rescue Squad (PRS), for over 10 years apiece. PRS is in the midst of re-organizing and recruiting to boost its membership, allowing them to answer all of the EMS calls in Plainfield. This will provide PRS with a continuous and sustainable source of income, rather than sharing the calls and revenue with Union County and JFK Medical Center. While they work on gaining exclusivity in providing EMS service to Plainfield, they, the Plainfield Rescue Squad, need an infusion of capital.
If you’d like to help them, check out their gofundme site, and consider making a donation. It could save your life or the one of someone you love.
And don’t forget to share this on Facebook and Twitter, too!
(photo credit to CA Negron II)