Once again, NHN is holding a school supply drive for the students of Woodland Elementary and Cook School in Plainfield. All donations can be left at David’s home: 1355 Denmark Rd.
* colored construction paper
* individual erasers
* blunt end scissors (left & right hand)
* paste / glue sticks
* blue / black ball point pens
* pencils, colored pencils, pencil boxes
* graph paper
* copier paper
* 3 x 5 note cards
* spiral bound 3-hole notebooks
* two-pocket folders
* notebook paper (3-hole)
* rulers (no metal edge)
* calculators, compasses, protractors
* markers and crayons
* book covers
* backpacks
* cleaning supplies, i.e. Windex, wipes
Drop off items by Sunday, August 31st!