Grace Episcopal Church in Plainfield invites you to join them next Sunday, August 26th for a special day. Their guest preacher will be Rev. John Hartman at 10:30 AM. Following the service will be their annual Carillon Concert and Peach Festival at 12 PM. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. A link to the event on Facebook can be found here.
Grace Episcopal Church is located at 600 Cleveland Ave. Their phone number is 908-756-1520.
More about Jon Lehrer: He began his carillon studies in 2000 at Yale University. Since graduating with a degree in Mathematics, Jon has been a frequent performer on the carillons of Frederick, Maryland and Arlington Cemetery, Virgina, and has played five concert tours spanning the US, Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany.
Jon is a laureate of four international competitions for carillon, most notably the Queen Fabiola International Carillon Competition, where he was also awarded the SABAM prize for the best interpretation of Flemish carillon music. He is the winner of the 2010 International Carillon competition of the Dutch Carillon Guild, and the highest ranked competitor in the International Alexius Julien Competition for baroque music. Jon graduated with great distinction from the Belgian Royal Carillon School ‘Jef Denyn’ where he studied with Eddy Marien, Geert D’Hollander, and Koen Cosaert.
From 2008-2009 he performed the Cast in Bronze theatrical carillon show on the Mobile Millenium Carillon at Renaissance festivals across the US.
When not performing, Jon works for GeneKey, a company that can genetically analyze a cancer patient’s tumor to determine what treatment will be most effective.